Do you have one word for the year?
Last year...can you believe 2010 is over already...
I had the word {PAUSE}.
I had 10 things I wanted to work on...
some I did great at, some were good half the year, and some,
well some I just plain didn't do or I kept putting off.
This past week I have been thinking through
what I wanted my word for 2011 to be.
I even thought I had it all figured out, but
then yesterday our pastor preached on resolutions
and what makes people break them.
One word in his message caught my attention and
I jotted it down quickly and then thought about it all day.
I was sure it would become the word for the year.
***CHANGE*** describes it as...
change - v. -to make the form, nature, content, future course, etc.,
of something different from what it would be if left alone;
to become different; to become altered or modified
How does that apply to me and my/our life?
Work on a change in patterns.
Begin to change bad habits.
Pray for a change in heart attitudes.
Have a change in priorities.
(God first, family second, everything else last)
Let God change circumstances that can't be controlled.
(also change in eating and exercise, but that is an every year battle)
One more thing our pastor said was this quote
(I don't remember who said it)
"It's not about how you got here, it's about what you do next."
So even if we fail/screw up at what we are doing,
we can all change what happens next in our lives.
Now I realize not everything can be physically changed, but
we can change how we respond to trials and temptations.
Does anyone else have a word for the year???
loving your focus for the year... way to embrace the hard!
Inspire. Create. Bake.
Great post, Jocelyn. I struggled with wanting "change" last month. I really feel like I need it but felt lost trying to attain it. Reading your post, specifically how does that apply to my life, those are it. Those changes are what is going to get me there. I think the strongest for me is change in priorities. It's amazing how easy those three items can move around. God, family, everything else. God needs to be first and the rest will fall into place. I'm sticking with change for the year. 🙂
Ever since I read this post on Monday, I've gone back and forth about my word. It's come down to "Improve" and "Grow" and once I make a decision I'll be sharing it on my own blog: Better Jeans (at which time I'll be linking up this splendid post)
I love your word!! I have been thinking about mine for weeks now, and all the words (like all 2 of them) seem so broad to me.. I keep searching for one that will be a little more to the point. LOVE yours though!
carissa @ lowercase letters
what a good word! and i'm so glad that we serve a God who works in us to change and shape us into His image. otherwise i'd feel hopeless about resolutions and such. i'm focusing on contentment right now!
The Mrs.
What a great post. I'll be thinking of my 'word.' 🙂 I probably needed to read this more than you realize. I'm having sibling issues..if you read the related post, take warn. My language is awful.
Aside from that, I'm so glad you read my Christmas post and claimed your DELICIOUS creations! I follow so many yummy blogs I COULD NOT remember where I had found them! Not only am I happy you found that post to claim your thunder, I'm happy because now I can stalk your treats knowingly 😉
<3Happy New Year!!
Loved this. Thanks for sharing, it really gave me something to think about.
Great word, Jocelyn! My word for 2011 is renew,... and I am so excited about all the different possibilities this word offers. One thing I definitely want to renew is my relationship with the Lord, and make sure He gets the time and attention He deserves.
Lisa Grace
Great post; I love the CHANGE you are making!
yes! I love THEMES for my new year! 🙂
This year: HARVEST! 🙂
Last year: Restoration!
It's gonna be a BEAUTIFUL YEAR!
yes! I love THEMES for my new year! 🙂
This year: HARVEST! 🙂
Last year: Restoration!
It's gonna be a BEAUTIFUL YEAR!
I love that thought of a word for the year...I could definately take on "Change", "Grow" or "Organize" - I would say that I've been focusing on all of those last 3 things for the latter half of last year so I'm going to pick the word "Prepared". I'm preparing myself/my heart to get in the proper position to be closer with God, my husband, my kids and preparing our house for future economical times. Preparing to see Jesus come through those clouds...that's my ultimate be doing what he's called/wants me to do so I can hear, "Well done my good and faithful servant."
So let's focus on changing, growing, getting organized and let's get "Prepared"!!!
Julie Johnson
Still trying to choose a yours! Last year mine was fly...and really helped me through the year. Here's to change in 2011!
When I didn't see cookies or something yummy, I almost stopped reading the post. I am soo glad I kept reading. I was feeling a lil blah today and this put everything into perspective for me, THANK YOU! It helped me CHANGE my attitude and outlook today.
Sarah Rosemary
I love the idea of picking one word. I picked flex - as in being both mentally and physically flexible. I find that focusing on one word helps me keep my goals in mind!
I guess you could say my word would be organize, but I think I want to change it now to "change" too!! Great post! Happy New Year to you & your family!!!
What a great question! I would say my word for the year would be "grow". I am hoping to to grow personally, spiritually, and financially.